糖尿病内科を志したこと① Becoming a specialist in Diabetes Care ①
その時病院でHbA1c(ヘモグロビンエーワンシー 血糖値の指標のことです)が高くて、免疫力が落ちたから脳炎になったと聞かされました。恥ずかしながら当時の私はHbA1cという言葉もまだわかっておりませんでした。脳炎は重症で致死率30%と聞かされましたが、治療のおかげで無事自宅退院できました。
The first time I encountered diabetes was when my mother fell ill with encephalitis during my college years.
At that time, her HbA1c (Hemoglobin A1c, a measure of blood sugar levels) was high, and I was told that her weakened immune system had led to encephalitis. I must admit that at that time, I didn’t even understand the word “HbA1c.” Her encephalitis was severe, and we were informed of a 30% fatality rate, but thanks to treatment, she was able to safely return home.
After graduating from college, I started my medical career as a resident physician at a hospital in the northern part of Kyoto Prefecture.
During my early days as a physician, I began my rotations (where resident doctors rotate through various medical specialties) in the field of surgery. The surgical mentors were highly impressive; they remained calm and composed, giving orders even in tense situations such as when critically ill patients were brought in or when patients within the hospital suddenly deteriorated. As I observed their actions from behind, I held them in deep respect. In my surgical training, there was a routine of checking and cleaning postoperative incisions every morning. Young and healthy individuals would often heal cleanly within a few days. However, older patients, those in poor nutritional condition, diabetics, and those undergoing dialysis had slower healing due to poor metabolism, and in some cases, their wounds became infected, leading to extended hospital stays.
During the morning conferences, if there had been neglect in the nutritional care of patients, they were scolded harshly. I distinctly remember being told, “You don’t understand the power of nutritional therapy.” In the midst of the dazzling surgical procedures and the management of critically ill patients in the acute phase that often drew attention during surgical training, I, as an inexperienced physician at the time, came to realize the importance of metabolism and nutrition, which seemed somewhat “subtle” in comparison. This awareness stayed with me. ⇨continue to ②
時間/曜日 | 月 | 火 | 水 | 木 | 金 | 土 | 日 |
午前診療 9:00-12:30 |
院長 | 院長 | 安部倉 | 院長 | 院長 | 院長/ 田中(聡) |
院長/ 山本 |
午後診療 15:30-19:00 |
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時間/曜日 | 月 | 火 | 水 | 木 | 金 | 土 | 日 |
午前診療 9:00-12:30 |
田中 (実) |
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田中 (実) |
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午後診療 15:30-19:00 |
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